Mario Walden, also known as Mario Bee from The Black Tarzan, is a co-founder of 45-live. He arranges and hosts several events, such as the Notorious IBE, and he is a skilled and enthusiastic host who keeps audiences and dancers engaged around the world. From Red Bull BC One Cyphers to Eurobattle and more, Mario is one of the most popular hosts in the Netherlands. When you hear him, you know something exciting is about to happen!
Swiss Michael Borisavljevic (35) aka Godfather has been active in the breaking world for 23 years. Among other things, he is a dancer, coach, host, MC, Entertainer, TV Moderator, Blogger, Organiser, Manager and Promoter. He is also a member of the groups Soul Point and D.Poin.C. When he is not hosting events, you can follow him on his Youtube channel GodfatherTV. There you will find many vlogs, interviews with OGs and podcasts. With Godfather, entertainment is guaranteed!
Born and raised in Den Bosch, the 33-year-old has been breakdancing since the age of 13 and has gone on to become a professional dancer at an international level. Arjuna is also one of the founders of Cypher HQ and the dance crews Cypher Active, Cypher Kids and Coincidental Chemistry. On a daily basis, Arjuna teaches advanced dancers at Cypher HQ, On The One and Dansschool Fresh, gives regular workshops and hosts many dance events in the Netherlands.